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  Design Thinking Case Study  

Self-service support tool
Design Thinking: Text
1. The Challenge 

We were a year into the launch of the myCWT Traveler Web Portal, but kept receiving feedback from our support teams saying that the volume of user contacts had risen dramatically since the launch. The #1 topic that tickets were opened for was "navigation", which marked the UX team at fault. However, we had no idea what to do to fix it, as we had no lead into the cause of our "navigation" issue.  





















We started to research and investigate the issues:


  • Listening to support calls – where users expressed their pain points

  • Reviewing tickets that were opened in our tools

  • Reading feedback emails sent by users

  • Going through reports from the support team


We found that most of the issues were labeled as “navigation support”, but we couldn’t get any actual action items out of it.

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2. Empathizing 

We started interviewing users, support & managers from all tiers, developers, product execs, product managers, etc.
We went through hundreds of tickets and feedback emails. We found frustration across the board, mainly because the current process didn’t allow efficient communication between the teams.

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3. Defining the Problem 

Taking everything we’d learned, we mapped the main issues we identified and the user needs:

  1. Users prefer to solve their problems quickly on their own

  2. Wrongly escalated insights cause confusion among teams and inefficiency in their work

  3. Many times, users are answered after a long time due to this miscommunication

  4. The product team don’t have clear visibility to the actual magnitude of the problems

  5. Declining reputation of myCWT

  6. Users don't know how to get support

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Design Thinking: Image

  Defining our mission:  

Redesign the tech support experience for our users, in an organization with miscommunication between support and dev teams.

4. Ideation 

We brainstormed different solutions from various P.O.V. of users and the variety of stakeholders. We challenged our assumptions and created new ideas to solve the problem. We looked for a way to serve as many perspectives as possible.

Design Thinking: Gallery
Defining our Service Principals: 

Provide immediate & accessible support

Provide actionable insights to product teams

Minimize investigation time by ~80%

5. Prototyping

Those principles were a basis for creating a self service platform, equipped with a hybrid chat that escalates unsolved issues to a human being.


We’ve built a rough prototype and started to test it with travelers, stakeholders and support people. We implemented the feedback we collected and improved the prototype with each iteration.

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6. Testing Our Ideas 

The prototype received great feedbacks from the different stakeholders we presented it to.

Here are some of their quotes:

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